Saturday, March 31, 2012


As is your desire so is your intention….as is your intention so is your will…as is your will so is your deed…As is your deed so is your destiny…..

This ‘Sankalpa’ simply translates to intention…..setting an intention for your Yoga practice…or before your meditation practice…or for anything that you desire….But an important component of this powerful intention is being free from the outcome desired. If the intentions set are in tune with the universe then it’s the universe that will accomplish it for you. At every point the universe nourishes us with our needs..When we don’t get something, its not the universe but it is something within us which is blocking it perhaps or maybe its not the time. Again clinging on to time is obstruction by itself…..What we need is timelessness(no past & no future) and awareness to what is. And that’s the essence of all aspects of Yoga! Letting time fold and watching your actions. This doesn’t mean not working towards your desires , it simply means investing towards it without worrying about the fruits which in turn attaches us to the future.

I love the idea of setting an intention before a Yoga practice or a meditation, the part of setting your intention of what you really want in that time you have for yourself is the key to fulfilling the desires…it’s the key to communicate to the universe…..Setting your intention and letting go…We have noticed sometimes things we want just flow…the environment just supports it….it can be as small as I want to be at peace at the end of this class and not focusing on ‘peace’ for the next one hour. Or setting an intention for a meditation practice (can really be any desire…truth, happiness, love, good health…..)

Sometimes we set common intentions in a class to work towards something...One of my experiences in Poonam's class is the intention of focus...practicing 'Yoga in a box'.To me the task of working in box (limited space) is a way to setting an intention to accomplish what we want in the absence of resources....I really feel it.... it helps my alignments ofcourse but more importantly it brings a sense of accomplishment or empowerment....and those are times when I'm really not thinking about anything else except the 'present moment' of being able to fit in my own box which I have created.......
Another one I  love is ' beauty '.....With that intention setting....all postures bring grace...'the art of practicing yoga beautifully'...whether literally or its in the mind..its beautiful anyway :) And these are feelings we take home.

Sankalpa  really links to the ultimate purpose….but what is essential is to listen to the desire…welcome it…and do what that desire requires you to do….Setting these powerful intentions just help us to align more to our heartfelt desires. We need to keep remembering our sankalpa , strengthen that resolve and then nourish that seed of desire. 


What does everybody desire? Energy…… Free of cost & everywhere around us? That is  'Prana'….Whatever you call it…’Chi’ in China or ‘Ki’ in Japan or “God’s breath moved upon the waters” (Bible).All vibrating energies are prana at work. In closer context to Yoga, it is translated to breath, which is just the beginning. Then follows the ‘ayama’ which is what we do with our breathing which can be control, restraint, elongation or manipulation of breath in any form.

Asana & Pranayama support each other. One cannot exist without the other. When you have sufficient prana flowing through the temple of your soul(body), you can spread your consciousness within which in turn improves our asana practice. Whereas asana which strengthens us in turn affects how well we generate more prana. Prana is the link to our infinite intelligence. It creates that inner flexibility…the outer flexibility is just the additional bonus that comes along? Or the asana channels the Prana to flow freely without obstructions. Even that soul needs that Prana to remain in our temple (body).

Very interesting & challenging is doing Suryanamaskars holding your breath. When we inhale we take the energizing nutrients of that breath. When we retain the breath after inhalation (kumbakha) that energy or prana is trapped in our body and distributed through circulation. Depending on capacity this effect is very apparent because the body automatically starts to conserve  and align and respect the amount of breath available and still do the best of postures.What happens when you are trying to accomplish that whole series of Suryanamaskars with that retained breath? Panic & Greed for air eventually comes up! Very well explained by BKS Iyengar, it signifies our instinctive attachment to life itself.And when we release that breath, it’s the feeling of surrender & accomplishment.

Prana is the hinge between the mind & body. The practice of Pranayama just helps to go beyond the normal limitations of mind & the reach the ultimate energy of the Universe (Prana).