Saturday, December 10, 2011

Sanapurna is Six weeks old today. It feels like as if we have been at 10 Schöneggstr. since a long time. Every day we start around 8 am we stay there till 9.30 pm. 

We started off very well. Darlen and one of our new students were there for our very first class on Sunday the 6th of November. Since that day we have not looked back

Sanapurna have been received very well in Zurich. If I ever feel bit insecure all the people tell me that you will run very smooth. 

We are so thankful to all the people who have been there for us. The support continues.
Thomas I get to see only in between Therapy sessions. His consultations and warm oil massages are loved by every one who has visited him.

Wow this feel like a dream.

Sanapurna is open the whole for you. We look forward to share nice herbal teas and fresh fruits. 
I am looking forward to tomorrow morning for Sunday morning flow...


  1. sanapurna ist eine oase für züri!

    ich grüsse euch herzlich
    regula rena

  2. Thanks Regula,
    We are very touched with the response. Sanapurna promises to be full dedicated to our Karma...
