Monday, February 27, 2012

The twist is the result of the extension in the spine.We don't have to force ourselves to twist.We just have to extend the spine and 'let go'.We don't have to force situations to change ways, we just have to let go and accept things as they really are.By listening to your body and responding to it by awareness you tap into the field of infinite possibility!

"Whats the hurry" says Poonam as she helps me straighten my spine....."Breathe".......

There is no competition with ourselves.Just present moment awareness!Life must flow with effortless spontaneity.

Poonams favourite 'Natrajasana'

"Life is an eternal Dance"

Namaste :)

I'm Payal....a new member rather a friend of Sanapurna Yoga and Ayurveda.

Sometimes you meet people and there is a wavelength that matches just perfectly!That is what happened when I met Poonam and Thomas.With no expectations I met them and saw in Poonam a beautiful loving teacher/mentor.A few classes with Poonam and  her encouragement and unconditional acceptance is beyond words.
Over the course of time, I hope to tap my deepest potential for vitality and find the secret to that 'bliss'.

'The God in me greets the God in youThe Spirit in me meets the same Spirit in you' 

P.S :  Thomas and Poonam's son Rishi is ADORABLE!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Sanapurna gets bigger!

Hello fellow yogis and yoginis!
I m the newest member of this team! I m Maria and I come from Greece!!

I will try to update this blog as much as possible so check back everyday!!

Also Sanapurna will have a new yoga program really soon!
Check our site for updates!
